tutorial bundles

Want to check out some of our on-demand content without a membership? We are now offering exclusive bundles to help you with your goals!

Pole Leg Hangs
One time

FIVE on-demand tutorials walking you through inverting on spin pole, inverting & dropping down into leg hangs, leg and torso switches!

Chair/Floor Balance
One time

FIVE on-demand tutorials walking you through russian getup, fish flops, legwork, shoulder stands & rolls on floor and chair, and a forearm stand on chair.

Flexibility Conditioning
One time

Access our flexibility & conditioning course reviewing simple shoulder, leg, back and foot exercises.

Hips & Shoulder Mobility
One time

Flexibility conditioning is only beneficial if you have the mobility to use it with.

Can’t get enough and want more? Join The Community with a membership to The Studio! Now offering On the Pole, Off the Pole & The Whole Studio monthly subscriptions.

  • “Jolene has a deep understanding of movement and musculature which she uses in conditioning, cues, and different approaches to moves and shapes. By attending her classes consistently, I have gained strength and body awareness, as well as confidence in my pole journey! Jolene knows when to troubleshoot and when to push me out of my comfort zone. I would recommend her as a challenging yet safety conscious instructor. “


  • “I have been taking classes with Jolene for years both in studio and virtually (thanks to Covid). I have also been in Jolene’s classes at varying levels from intro to pole through to level 3 pole. Her classes and combos are always challenging and she is happy to modify to make it easier or add more difficult transitions depending on the needs of her students.

    Jolene clearly has extensive experience and knowledge about pole and performing. In my experience, she has always been willing to help me achieve a goal whether it is to learn a new move or assist in choreographing a performance piece. I would recommend Jolene as an instructor to anyone at any level.“


  • “Jolene is an incredibly talented and knowledgeable pole instructor that I have been learning from for 2 years. Not only can she show you new tricks to try, but she can also explain the muscle engagement and placement necessary to safely perform these moves. She is encouraging, and always reminds classes that each body moves/works differently. Jolene physically steps in when asked/needed, but allows for you to explore tricks out on your own and answer any questions along the way. She creates an environment in class that is welcoming to EVERYONE, no matter their background, and celebrates her students often.”
